Did you know...

▪️Breastmilk is species specific - meaning it's the PERFECT composition of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, growth factors and immunological factors that are needed for your child.
▪️ It's composition changes to meet the growing needs of your baby: during a feed, throughout the day and as your baby matures.
▪️It promotes a healthy microbiome resulting in a protective immune system.
▪️ It's protective against pathogens via targeted immunoglobulins, specific proteins and fats.
▪️It promotes gut maturation.
▪️It's easily digested.
▪️It eases pain.
▪️ It provides comfort.
▪️ It's sleep inducing.
▪️It promotes the development of the central nervous system.
▪️It's protective against SIDS, oral cavities, T1DM, T2DM, coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, asthma, MS and food allergies.
The power of breastmilk continuously BLOWS 💥 my mind.
If you'd like to know more about breastfeeding, join me for a 3 hour Workshop where we discuss:
- The benefits of breastfeeding.
- Basic physiology of how breastfeeding works.
- Positioning and attatchment.
- What to expect in the first 6 weeks: how do I know my baby is getting enough?
- What to expect beyond 6 weeks.
- Troubleshooting common breastfeeding problems.
- How to hand express.