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"It was such a beautiful experience"

Jeremy and I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the amazing calm birth skills you taught us. They were such a huge part of my labour and birth! We welcomed little Miles on Sunday at 7.33am. He’s a big boy - 4.4kg and 53.5cm long! Born at 41 +5 weeks.

My waters broke at 11pm on Saturday and then I started contracting about an hour later. It ramped up pretty quickly but I used the tens machine and moved around on the fit ball and then got in the bath when they got more intense. Our midwife arrived at about 3.45am. She checked me and I was about 7-8cm already! We left for the hospital and he arrived not long after that at 7.33am.

The breathing and visualisation of opening up really got me through. I was so proud of myself for birthing him with no pain relief and I feel so happy that Jeremy and I both felt so confident the whole way through. It was such a beautiful experience.

We had some issues after the birth as I lost a lot of blood and had a 3a tear. Miles also had low blood sugar, being such a big boy. It meant he had to spend the first 2 nights in the nicu which was really horrible and emotional. I got up through the night to go to the nicu and feed him and luckily we’ve had no issues with getting breastfeeding going. I had also expressed heaps of colostrum antenatally, which I never thought I would need to use, but turns out it was a massive life saver. He’s now all sorted and no more problems! We are back home and loving our snuggles together.

Thanks again for everything you taught us. We both feel that it was a huge part of why our birth was such a positive experience overall.

Hayley and Jeremy

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